“How can a young person stay on the path of purity?  By living according to your word.  10 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.  11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.  12 Praise be to you, Lord; teach me your decrees.  13 With my lips, I recount all the laws that come from your mouth.  14 I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.  15 I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. 16 I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.”  (Psalms 119:9—15)


          It is still being determined who wrote Psalms 119.  The author of this remains unnamed.  However, the message is clear about the power of God’s word.  Throughout these Psalms, it is revealed that those who keep the word of God are happy people.  Those who stray away from his word find life difficult.  But this author has totally placed his trust in the word of God.

          In this portion of scripture, the question asked is applicable to a young person and useful for the old ones.  How can a young or older person stay on the path of purity?  To remain pure is an issue that challenges a young person and an older person.  There are many religious practices that may be done to keep oneself pure of the impurity of the mind and the heart.  However, these are all outward activities that have no bearing on the inward impurities of the mind and heart. 

          Jesus says that people are so concerned about cleaning the outside and making the outside look attractive, but God sees the inward part of the person.   Cleaning the outside of a cup does not make the inside clean.  Some religions have religious ceremonies that they believe will make them pure.  Some religions stand under a waterfall, some slaughter animals and some have rituals that they believe will help keep their spirit undefiled.

          But the author of this Psalms said that the WORD OF GOD is the answer.  He laid it out for me this morning.  Both young and older people must;

  • Live according to the WORD of God.
  • Seek God with all of our hearts so they will  NOT STRAY from it.
  • Hide God’s word in their hearts that they might not sin against him.
  • By asking the Lord to teach us his decrees. 
  • By recounting the laws that come from the mouth of God. 
  • By making it a joy to follow His statues like someone who rejoices over riches.
  • By meditating on God’s precepts.
  • By considering God’s ways.
  • By delighting in God’s decrees.
  • By not neglecting God’s word.

These are great reminders of how I can keep myself pure and not stray away from God’s Word.  The writer uses these terms, words, statutes, decrees, and precepts to convey the idea of making the word of God a priority in my life.   I am reminded today that the word of God is powerful and sharp and can penetrate my soul and my spirit better than any outwardly focused rituals and activities to keep my consciousness pure.


         I am grateful for this reminder.  I will continue to do my best to enjoy the word of God in my devotion when I engage in it in the morning.  I desire to never stray from the word of God but to keep my mind and heart engaged in it so I may be pure in Him. 


         Father, your word is life and light unto my pathway.  I pray that you keep me from straying from your truth.  Please help me to meditate on your word.  Please help me always to consider your word above all else. Please help me make your word a joy in my life daily.  I need you, Father, in Jesus’ name.  Amen!