“Consider how the wildflowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! 29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” (Luke 12:27—31)


            Jesus knows how debilitating fear can be in the life of people.  He addressed his disciple’s concerns about their future.  Fear is a driving factor that causes many people to make decisions that can lead them to regret.  Our life is either driven by fear and concerns or led by faith and trust. 

            Jesus told his disciples to CONSIDER HOW the wildflowers grow.  Wildflowers don’t labor or spin, but they grow naturally by receiving God’s care.  The wildflower’s beauty is incomparable to anything human has created.  They bloom and provide joy to those around them, yet they don’t strive and are driven by any struggles of their natural growth. 

            But the wildflower’s beauty does not last long.  They are here today and gone tomorrow.  This is a contrast that Jesus uses to show his disciples HOW GOD will take care of them when they trust in him instead of being driven by fear and worry.  Wildflowers are NOT moved by stress, anxiety, or concerns.  They blossom, but we are much more than that.  If God can do that for the wildflowers, how much more will he do for us?

            Jesus points to the cause of fear and worries in the disciples’ lives.  He said to them; DO NOT SET YOUR HEART on what you will eat or drink—the pagan world RUN AFTER SUCH THINGS.  So here, in essence, Jesus is saying, WHERE YOUR HEART IS SET AFTER, YOUR FEET WILL RUN AFTER. 

            Then he said, what I am concerned about, my Heavenly Father already knows.  It is all in his care.  My heavenly knows everything I need, seen and unseen, and he will take care of me.  Jesus gives a new place where his disciples should set their hearts. 

            Seek the kingdom of God and set their hearts on Him.  All the things I need are in the kingdom of God.  When we make God the center of our pursuit, He makes us the center of his pursuit.  Our hearts always long for many things that everyone else around us runs after.  Everything we need is in God; therefore, we must never be driven by worry or fear.   


            I am reminded to be careful about how and what I set my heart on.  It is dangerous when our heart’s desires dictate how we should live.  My heart is indeed full of good desires and often not godly.  This year I will continue to make God’s purpose my pursuit and stop being driven by my fears and worries.   I desire to pursue Jesus as much as I can do so as he leads me. 


            Jesus, your words are a light unto my pathway and a lamp unto my feet.  I am grateful for your reminder to be careful where I set my heart upon.  Help me put my heart into seeking your kingdom and righteousness.  I want to follow you with all my heart and pursue your plans for my life this year.  Please help me seek your kingdom and righteousness as a goal for life this year and always.  Amen!