“When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”  33When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. 34“Where have you laid him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. 35Jesus wept. 36Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!” 37But some of them said, “Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?”   (John 11:32-37 NIV)


            Lazarus, Martha and Mary are dear friends of Jesus. Lazarus fell ill and died from his illness.  Many of us have loved ones who were like Lazarus, who fell ill and have passed.  I have lost my father, mother, two brothers and a sister.  I know the sense of desperation and hopelessness.  We prayed to do our best to have faith and to be hopeful, however the opposite happened. 

            Martha met Jesus first, and then went on to let Mary know that Jesus have visited them.  Mary left the place of mourning and went out to meet Jesus.  When she reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at her feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.  Mary and all her friends we weeping. 

            When Jesus saw all of them weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.  Jesus wept.  This is the shortest and one of the most powerful verse ever written. 

            Many times when a love one pass, there are questions in our minds about the character of Jesus.  We often question his power.  People often doubt his ability to know how we are  feeling and hurting.  Mary and Martha questioned the timing of Jesus coming saying, Lord, if you had been here, our brother would not have died. 

            They seem to blamed Jesus for not being there at the right time, and for being absent when they needed him the most.  To be honest, I do at times feel the same as Martha and Mary.  Wouldn’t Jesus know what we are going through?  Why isn’t he there when I needed him?  Where is he?  And the list goes on. 

            Today, I am reminded that it is ok to bring our frustrations to Jesus.  It is ok to question as it is our human limitedness of understanding            of how Jesus works and when he will respond.  The truth about Jesus is that he hears us whenever we called on him.  Moreover, every situations and circumstances we face, Jesus sees.  All our hurts and pains he knows.  

            Jesus feels our pain.  He knows our desperation.  He knows when we are facing impossibilities and difficulties.  But, Jesus will always move in his own timing for his own purpose so His Father maybe glorify and we may see his glory.  Jesus knows the pain of death and separation. 

But out of the most devastating event in our life, God will be glorify and we will see God’s glory.  Jesus is never late.  I just need to understand and trust his purpose of delay.  I must learn to trust that he will do what is best for the situation that I face.  Often what I think is best is not the best.  I also must learn that God’s best answer to my situation often does not always go with my expectations. 

            Jesus did answer Martha and Mary in an amazing way.  He raised Lazarus in his timing.  Even though he was dead and already buried, Jesus shows his power, and raised him from the dead.  Often our concern is for God to answer every prayers we prayed, but Jesus’ concern is much greater than just answering our prayers.  He seek to glorify his Father, with what he does, when he does it and how he does it.  I must learn to put my hope in him.  Every problem is a beginning of a great miracle when I learn to trust his timing, his ways, and how he answers my prayers and desires. 


            Today, I am reminded of how Jesus feels about everything that I go through in life.  I am not alone.  I will continue to trust Jesus timing, and purpose when he choose to respond to me when I call on him.  I must continue to learn that not all my requests are going to be answered as I expected it to be.  I must learn to trust and know that Jesus knows how I feel, he feels what I am feeling and he is going through the same pain of seeing me struggle through the things I face in life.  I know Jesus loves me, and cares for me even if he doesn’t answer as I expected and hope for.  I can trust him.


            Father, thank you again for opening my eyes to see that you know how I feel in every circumstances in my life.  You weep with me in the times I needed you most.  Help me to see how much you love and cared for me in every circumstances I face in life.  Please teach me to see that every problems I face is an opportunity to see you glorified and me to see your glory.  Open my eyes to see your ways, in Jesus name Amen!