“Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith. Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme.” (1 Timothy 1:18-20 NIV)


         Paul who knew well about the power of prophecies gives a command to Timothy about the prophecies he had receive.  Prophecies has a powerful part in Timothy’s calling.  So many lives has been ruined because of false prophecies spoken over them. 

         While many speak falsely over naïve believers, it doesn’t make prophecy irrelevant or ineffective.  Prophecy has such a powerful and impactful effect on us when it is from the Spirit and is a testimony of Jesus in our lives. 

         Paul reminded Timothy as he gave him a charge about his calling.  Paul said to Timothy that he is giving him a command in keeping with the prophecies once made about him.  Timothy received many prophecies spoken over him.  Paul reminded Timothy of the importance of those prophecies so that Timothy will be able to fight the battle well and be able to hold on to faith and a good conscious.

         I often remind myself of the five individuals who gave me at different times the same prophecies that launched me into ministry.  I am grateful because only time has proven years after I received them that confirmed exactly what I am doing today. 

         I am forever grateful to those individuals who had the courage to speak into my life prophetic words that helped me fight the battles in my calling.  The prophecies spoken over my life has strengthened my faith and thus prevented me from shipwrecking my faith.

         The warning was also very powerful when we failed to heed the prophetic word that safeguarded our faith.  Paul gave names of two individuals who rejected the power of prophecies in their lives and suffered a shipwreck of faith.  Hymenaeus and Alexander instead of recalling prophecies into their lives, they became delusional and they blaspheme the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  We too, if not careful, we will suffer the same fate. 

         Prophecy are not to be blasphemed, nor neglected.  But we must recalled to mind so we maybe able to fulfill what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do.  The failure to recalled the word of the Lord spoken over us by those who prophesied upon us, will lead us either to embraced what the Spirit is saying or we will blasphemed the words that were spoken over us.  While the need to be careful about false prophetic words, it does not mean we should neglected.  We must test all spirits and discerned the words that we hear if they are truly of the Lord or not. 


         As powerfully shared here by Paul to his son in the faith Timothy, I too desire to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit of God to fulfill many prophetic words that were spoken over me in the past.  I valued the prophetic words when they are given to me by the Holy Spirit.  I want to continue to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life through his prophetic word.


         Holy Spirit I ask that you continue to lead me to all your truth about prophecies        spoken over my life.  I want to say thank you so much for strengthening my faith through prophecies spoken over my life throughout the years.  I ask that you continue your work over my life.  Please lead me to all truth about Jesus and his purpose in me life.  Amen!