“You know that everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes.  16 May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus because he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains. 17 On the contrary, when he was in Rome, he searched hard for me until he found me. 18 May the Lord grant that he will find mercy from the Lord on that day! You know very well in how many ways he helped me in Ephesus.” (1Timothy 6:15—18)


            As we delve into the scripture, we find that ministry can be lonely.  Relationships, at times, can feel shallow, with people becoming friends for their benefit.  Many friends are friends only for good times.  But usually, in moments of trials and struggles, friends deserted you.  It is hard to have friends who will stick with you through the thick and thin of life. This resonates with Paul’s experience, who was disappointed when he wrote to Timothy about what happened to him in the province of Asia. Whether that was an actual event or an exaggerated statement, it sounds terrible that the friends he counted deserted him in his time of need.

            Paul’s words, “Everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me, including Phygelus and Hermongenes, “carry a weight of disappointment.  He named two people out of everyone who deserted him.  Who are these two?  Phygelus and Hermogenes were with Paul at one time. They were not ordinary believers; they must have been co-workers or leading ones among the saints. To be sure, they took the lead to turn away from Paul. Those who turned away from Paul turned away not only from his person but also from his ministry. This highlights the profound impact of their actions on Paul’s life and work.

            No matter how good things are in ministry and life, there will be times when even those you count on will desert you.  It doesn’t matter how good and caring you were to them.  It doesn’t matter how much you have done for them, prayed for them, or elevated them to a place of trust in leadership; they will desert you. 

            However, we should feel free in life when people have deserted friendships. Always know that there are faithful, loyal friends who will refresh you in your journey. Paul also mentions them in this letter.  The household of Onesiphorus refreshed Paul, and he was not ashamed of his chains.  How often do we need great and loyal friends who come alongside us and refresh us with their presence and friendship? 

            I learned a few things from loyal and faithful friends, and I am blessed to have quite a few of them in my life.

  • Loyal friends never desert you
  • Loyal friends always stay with you through the thick and thin of life.
  • Loyal friends always show up when you are in trouble
  • Loyal friends don’t care about your trouble; they are there for you when life is high and low.
  • Loyal friends are not ashamed of your chains
  • Loyal friends always go out of their way to find you and connect
  • Loyal friends cover you and shield you from harm others seek to bring upon you.

I am forever grateful to so many of my friends and leaders around me who are loyal and often cover me with prayers and encouragement.  I wish to thank the leaders working with me to ensure Jesus’ people are being shepherded and cared for. 


            As I mentioned earlier, ministry and leadership can be lonely places. However, I am encouraged today that when others desert us, Jesus always has others loyal and committed to us no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. I want to be engaged and faithful to all who are dedicated and loyal to me. 


            Jesus, you are always loyal to those who look to you.  You have never failed me as I journey with you in ministry and life.  Thank you for your goodness and kindness to me.  I am forever grateful to you for your mercy and grace.  I pray that you continue to teach me how to stay committed and faithful to you and your work.  Amen!