“As for the foreigner who does not belong to your people Israel but has come from a distant land because of your name— 42 for they will hear of your great name and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm—when they come and pray toward this temple, 43 then hear from heaven, your dwelling place. Do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as do your own people Israel, and may know that this house I have built bears your Name.” (1Kings 8:41—43)


         In this prayer of King Solomon at the dedication of the temple he built for God, he included foreigners who were not Israelites but came to Israel because of God’s name. This prayer is a powerful reminder that God’s heart wasn’t just for the people of Israel. God singled out Israel to be his people so he could bring forth his blessings for the nations.  The nations were always in God’s mind, a testament to his inclusivity. 

         It is a blessing to hear King Solomon’s prayer, including the foreigners who are drawn to Israel because of God’s name. King Solomon petitioned God that when foreigners come, they will hear of God’s great name and See God’s mighty hand and outstretched arm at work. And when they pray toward the temple, God will hear them from heaven, his dwelling place. 

         King Solomon also petitioned the Lord to hear the prayers of the foreigners and do whatever they asked for him so that all the peoples of the earth may know God and fear him.  What a powerful prayer with foreigners in mind.  King Solomon’s prayers reminded me that we non-Israelites are always part of God’s plan from the beginning of time. 

         I am reminded that I, too, have a place in God’s heart and that I, as a foreigner, can pray and connect with God just as an Israelite would.  This prayer encourages me to press in to know God, see who he is, in his mighty power, and see his work.  What a great privilege to be included from the beginning in the plans of God.  God is not only the God of the Israelites but also the Gentiles. 


         My prayer is to continue to know God in his sovereignty and power over my life.  I desire to know of his mighty acts in my life daily.  I am grateful that he has always included me as a foreigner when he created me.  I will continue to press in to know him in a much deeper relationship.  To think that King Solomon prayed for the foreigners at the dedication of the temples just lifted my heart to be a child of God.


         Father, I am grateful that King Solomon reminded me of who you are in his prayer.  Thank you for the privilege of being a part of your family.  Thank you for the blessings that I have received because of the prayers of King Solomon offered up for my sake and all of your children who are not Israelites by birth.  I am grateful for your sovereign plan and blessings in my life from the beginning of time.  I love you, Lord, and am grateful for your blessings.  Amen!