“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’  As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’”  (Acts 17:24—28)


            Paul debate with the Athenians about the many gods they have.  Upon carefully looking at all the gods displayed, Paul found that there was an altar to an unknown god.  Paul realized how religious the Athenians were.  Paul also noticed that all the Athenians and foreigners among them spent their time doing nothing but talking and listening to the latest ideas.   Paul used the occasion and the opportunity to proclaim to them about the unknown god. 

            We, too, have many opportunities to proclaim whom God is to those seeking the meaning and purpose of life.   Paul proclaims that…

  • God made the world and everything in it
  • God is the Lord of heaven and earth
  • God does not live in temples built by human hands
  • God does not need anything from humans as if he needed their help
  • God gives everyone life and breath and everything else

Paul proclaims who God is to the Athenians and the foreigners among them who spent their time all day long talking about the latest ideas.  This concept must have come across to them as the latest ideas that entered their discussion. 

Paul also proclaimed God’s plans for the nations…

  • From one man, he made all the nations
  • All man should inhabit the whole earth
  • God marked man’s appointed times in history
  • God marked the boundaries of their lands

This must have been the latest idea that enters the discussion of the Athenians.  The Athenians only know of a LOCALIZED God, restricted by location and temples.  These god’s were created by human ideas.  As a believer, it is important for me to see the vast difference between the God I serve and who serves the god of human ideas and me.  My God is not limited, nor is he constrained by my temple or my own imagination.  God is beyond my finding out.  God is the world’s creator, the Lord, and the Master of heaven and earth.  My God does not need my help, but I need all his help.  My God is the life-giver.  He gives Life and Breath to everyone. 

This healthy response opened up my mind to the greatness of my God who created me, whose purpose and meaning of life gives freely to those who believe.  My God is the Almighty God; that is who he is.  Like the Athenians, many believers only talk about God and discuss who he is without knowing who He really is.  I am moved to see how great God is to me and how he gives life meaning and purpose. 


            I am so grateful that Paul’s proclamation of who God is moved my heart today.  I want to continue to know who my God is daily.  I want to know him in his power, in his wonder, how he works his purpose through my life.  I am so encouraged to know that God is far more powerful than just a topic of discussion.  I make it my joy to know him more so I can make him known. 


            Father, thank you for reminding me of who you are and all you have done in my life.  I declare today that you are my creator, my Lord and Master, the giver of Life, and the one whose purpose is my sole duty to live for.  Lead me and guide me to know more about who you are.  I pray you help me avoid constraining and limiting you in my puny mind.  Help me see how glorious you are in all you do and continue to reveal.  Amen!