“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. 14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.  15 Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”  (1Timothy 4:12—15)


            I love this exhortation from Paul to Timothy as a young person.  Often young people are looked down upon by those who are older.  Older are not always wiser.  I have met so many people who are older but continue to make unwise decisions.  Paul’s words rings loud to anyone who is been looked down upon by those who think they are not qualified enough to be a leader or a minister.  This powerful advise is applicable to those who feel they don’t have enough experience, or qualities to serve God or be a leader among God’s people.  God does not call us because we have great experiences or because we know what we are doing.  God calls those who are not qualifies in the eyes of others to be influencers in his kingdom. 

            But having said that, we all have a responsibility to rise to the occasion.  Paul told Timothy to be an EXAMPLE for the believers.  In other words, Timothy ought to be responsible for his conduct and attitude.  Timothy has to be responsible for what he says, in his behavior, responsible how to love, to have faith, and to live in purity.  Timothy has to walk in such a way that it encourages believers who are following his leadership. 

            Paul exhort Timothy to DEVOTE himself to the public reading of the scripture, to preaching and teaching.  These are examples of a spiritual leader to do for the people.  Timothy must not NEGLECT his gifts.  So many believers neglect the development of their gifts and thus unable to serve God’s people well. 

            Paul reminded Timothy to BE DILIGENT in all these matters that are mentioned above.  He must GIVE HIMSELF WHOLLY to them, so that everyone may see his progress.  So, a leader is someone who keeps everything that is important in order for growth himself or herself to progress forward.  A leader must continue to grow, in devotion to his or her gift, to be diligent, and to give oneself WHOLLY to his or her growth. 

            Paul also reminded Timothy to WATCH his life and DOCTRINE.  His life must be guided by what he teaches.  His life must reflect in what he is teaching.  And lastly, Timothy ought PERSEVERE in all his responsibility to progress forward.  When he takes his responsibility seriously, that will save himself and all those who hears him.  A leader must continue to PROGRESS FORWARD IN PERSONAL GROWTH so many will be led well. 


            I want to be a leader who encourages others to be leaders that count for God’s work.  I want to be an example to believers what it is to be someone who is still growing and progressing forward.  I want to be responsible for my attitude, my words, in the way I love and live out my faith.  I want to devote myself to the word of God.  I desire to be diligent, and to watch my life and doctrine so others may know Jesus.  I do not want to neglect my responsibility to progress and learn as a leader so that I may fulfill what Jesus has called me to do. 


            Father, thank you for reminding me today to be a leader that is responsible for my growth and influence.  Help me to take my responsibility seriously so I may grow and progress forward.  Help me not to neglect my responsibility, help me to be an example of a believer who is fully devoted to my personal growth.  Teach to walk in humility before you so I may walk in your purity.  Help me to be a leader that works on myself much harder than try to correct someone else.  I need you Jesus daily so I may be more and more like you.  Help me to grow.  Amen!